Sunday, June 17, 2012

Cannabis Oil Media Document

My name is Justin Kander.  I am contacting you because recently you ran a story about Tommy Chong’s self-treatment of cancer with cannabis oil.  That course of treatment sounds absurd without background on the science, research, experiences, and movement behind cannabis extract medicine, and I’m here to give you a complete account of why Tommy is doing this and how deep this issue really goes. 

Note: I sent in this document two weeks ago, but one of my partners indicated it would be more effective to send this directly to Don Lemon, so I am doing so.  We will never give up in our fight to publicize this information , through CNN or any media entity, so we will continue to send you material until it is examined.
I am not special in any way and have no formal medical training.  However, I have been in the cannabis extract medicine movement for over four years, and have come to know dozens of patients who have overcome horrendous diseases using cannabis extract oil, as well as doctors who are working with it.  The majority of the people in this movement are regular individuals, usually around the age of 40 to 60, who simply followed instructions or devised new ways of extracting the oils from cannabis, and ingested them in the quantities necessary to have curative effects.  Before dismissing these claims outright, I urge you to read through this packet.  While you may not be entirely convinced that cannabis can eliminate cancers, I guarantee you will agree completely that this issue deserves more attention immediately.  The overwhelming weight of the combined evidence is impossible to ignore.  It is because of this evidence that Tommy is taking his current course of treatment, and as you will see, the beneficial properties of cannabis extract medicine extend to many forms of cancer and other types of serious disease.
The format of this packet will begin with the science of how cannabis works to combat a wide range of diseases.  For every disease that people have alleviated with extract medicine, there is a peer-reviewed scientific study showing such a result would be physically possible.  The endocannabinoid system, the fundamental system through which endo (internal, body-made cannabinoids, including anandamide) and phytocannabinoids (the external cannabinoids in cannabis) alike function, will be addressed, as understanding endocannabinoids is key to seeing how phytocannabinoids can heal such a wide range of conditions.  Next, and the arguably most important part, is the experiences of people with healing themselves.  There are five documentaries about cannabis curing cancer (and a sixth in production), dozens of personal testimonials on YouTube, forums, blogs, and NBC/ABC/other local affiliates.  This section will also describe the work of Cannabis Science, a publicly-traded company in Colorado that already has eliminate skin cancer in two people.  These eliminations are as solid as you can get; biopsy-confirmed cancer, topical cannabis oil as the only treatment, then biopsy-confirmed non-presence of any cancer.  After discussing the science, testimonials and Cannabis Science work, I will give a brief history of how the cannabis extract movement started and who the major leaders are, then close with a conclusion.  Before I begin, I will make perfectly clear what my goal with this endeavor is.
The issue of cannabis extract medicine simply needs to go mainstream.  People often ask, “If cannabis really cures cancer, why aren’t doctors using it or news agencies talking about it all the time?”  The answer is the significant and numerous barriers to information being talked about on a national network.  Even if someone low in the hierarchy approves of the story, it still needs to pass through multiple approval levels, and at some point an executive may decide that this sounds too crazy and could jeopardize the credibility of the news source.  I believe the only main reason Tommy Chong was able to get his information mainstream was because he surprise announced his prostate cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment with cannabis oil.  Thankfully, local stations have had the courage to talk about other cases, but no truly mainstream station or paper has.  As for doctors, there are many out there who support this, but far more are simply unaware of cannabis’ medical applications or have bought into government propaganda that it is a worthless medicine.  But the best thing about this movement is the information just needs to get out there, and then the people will take care of it themselves.  Anybody can make this medicine and treat themselves, and that’s why the movement has grown so much.  It’s just too easy to make a small amount of oil, put it on a skin cancer, and watch the skin cancer go away.  This has been achieved by many patients and confirmed scientifically by Cannabis Science.  By having this information go mainstream, millions of people around the country could treat themselves, then come out in swarms showing how effective this is.  Even more profound than skin cancer treatments would be to treat 100 terminal cancer patients with the full oil treatment, and watch how many have their cancer disappear completely.

The Science
There have been hundreds of scientific studies showing that the active constituents of cannabis, mainly delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD), are effective at healing a wide number of diseases through multiple biological pathways.  For example, cannabis’ effect on cancer can be partially explained by THC interfering with angiogenesis (the formation of blood vessels to tumors) and inducing apoptosis (programmed cell death) in cancer cells.  Cannabis extract treatment is effective in far more than just cancer, and this is due to the mechanisms in which cannabinoids interact with the body.  All mammals have endocannabinoid systems, superregulatory networks of CB1 and CB2 receptors that regulate all other systems, through controlling inflammatory and anti-inflammatory responses.  The leader in endocannabinoid research is Dr. Robert Melamede, CEO of Cannabis Science and Professor of Biology at the University of Colorado.  He explains that the purpose of the endocannbinoid system is to maintain homeostasis, chemical balance, in the body.  Since all disease is a form of imbalance of some sort, it makes sense that by enriching the endocannabinoid system with phytocannabinoids, many diseases could be eliminated.  More importantly than theory, those results are actually being seen.  A short video by Dr. Melamede describing the endocannabinoid system can be found here:

                More information about the endocannabinoid system has been elaborated upon by Dr. William Courtney, who has treated individuals with a unique, raw form of cannabis extract medicine with amazing success.  Normally, chemical messages between cells are sent from the presynaptic cell to the postsynaptic cell.  The endocannabinoid system is the only system that enables biochemical feedback from the postsynaptic cell to the presynaptic cell, essentially going upstream.  For example, if a cell is firing too much, then the endocannabinoid system uses biochemical feedback to tell that cell to stop.  Phytocannabinoids can improve the process of feedback and thus directly counteract the effects of many diseases which involve too much or too little signal firing.
                Most importantly, there have been hundreds of studies documenting cannabis’ positive effect on nearly any disease you can think of.  Virtually all of these studies have focused on one or two cannabinoids, THC or CBD, and have been done with tissue cultures or mice.  Anybody with any experience in the scientific community knows that just because something works in a culture or mice, doesn’t necessarily mean it will work with humans.  However, given that so much empirical evidence has demonstrated these studies do translate to human cases, they must be given more weight than usual, especially given that many phenomenon in mice and cultures do translate to humans in the end.  As for why clinical trials have not been carried out in humans yet, other than the documented cases from Cannabis Science, the primary reason is the Prohibition of cannabis.  For a lab to conduct research on it, they must get permission from the Drug Enforcement Agency, which is very reluctant to give out permits.  It’s also much easier to conduct tissue or mice studies than human studies, because of the plethora of regulations and additional controls a lab must have for humans.  This movement has been demanding clinical trials since its inception, but no one other than Cannabis Science has come close to doing this.
                A thoroughly complete list of studies has been compiled by an experienced, compassionate woman who goes by the name “Granny Storm Crow” online.  This list can be viewed at the link below, and as you can see, scientific studies demonstrate cannabinoids are effective for everything from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis to prostate cancer.  A short excerpt of studies is included in the appendix.

Patient Experiences

This is arguably the most important section of this packet, because this movement is grounded in the experiences of ordinary patients.  There have been thousands of people who have had direct healing experiences with extract medicine, although unfortunately only a small proportion of these people come out and talk about their experiences.  While there are many reasons why people do not share their experiences with an illegal medicine, some primary factors include the stigma associated with cannabis use, the fear of arrest, and sometimes due to sheer apathy once someone is healed.  Most people assume that if someone was healed of cancer with this medicine, they would automatically start shouting it from the rooftops.  But in several instances, the drive to share this knowledge diminishes once the state of desperation has ended and because of the above reasons.  Thankfully, there are still many, many cases of people sharing their stories, through videos, forums, blogs, social media, and news reports.  Below are 28 videos hosted on YouTube that describe a variety of patient experiences, then 4 full-length documentaries, and below these lists I will delve into some of the most important cases.  By watching each and every one, a true picture of this medicine’s effectiveness comes to light. (Crohn's #1 [Shona Banda]) (Neck cancer, news report) (Leaf, Lupus and Brain Cancer) (Gout, arthritis, assorted) (Man standing up from wheel chair) (Cancer and Lupus Success) (Michael McShane skin cancer) (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy) (Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome) (Michael McShane and another woman) (Prostate cancer [Dennis Hill])

The full-length documentaries about the oil include:
Cured: A Cannabis Story: (Cured: A Cannabis Story)
Crazy: A Phoenix Tears Story:

Note – Crazy: A Phoenix Tears Story is still in production, but the introduction is surprisingly detailed and shows the risks that people take in providing others this illegal medicine.  There is also a fifth documentary called Chronic Future, which focuses on Cannabis Science, but that was shown in theaters and is not on YouTube.  An interview with the creator, Henry Miller, can be found here:

Now, I will focus on some of the individual cases/videos. The first three documentaries, “Run From the Cure”,  “Cured: A Cannabis Story” and “Vitamin Cannabis”.  Run From the Cure is the documentary that started it all (and the one Tommy mentioned in his original CNN interview), and is about a man named Rick Simpson discovering that cannabis extracts could eliminate cancers, and his subsequent treatment of hundreds of individuals in his small Nova Scotia town.  More about Rick Simpson will be explained later.  The second is a simple story about a man named David Triplett who eliminated skin cancer with cannabis oil.  Vitamin Cannabis is a saga about a man named Kyle Marsh who runs a small cannabis extract lab and has eliminated several cases of cancer.  Vitamin Cannabis is more detailed in terms of procedures than the majority of other videos, and the first segment illustrates extensively how dosages were administered and calculated.  Other amazing results are witnessed besides cancer as well.

Shona Banda’s story is also worth noting because of how open she was about her experience.  Shona is an amazing woman who suffered from terminal Crohn’s disease for many years.  She saw Run From the Cure and desperately wanted to try hemp oil, but could not afford a large enough quantity to make it.  Her only option was to treat herself with vaporizing cannabis.  Fortunately, she happened to have a glass dome vaporizer.  She realized that an oil started to accrue along the edges of the glass, and started to collect it, hoping it would work like Rick Simpson’s oil.  In three days, she began to experience amazing results, and over a period of months was able to completely eliminate her Crohn’s symptoms.  She wrote a book about her experience called Live Free or Die, available both in physical form from Amazon and recently it has been added to Kindle as well.  Anybody who reads this book will instantly be convinced of the efficacy of cannabis extract medicine… I cannot express how emotional and remarkable the book is.  The book can be found here:

The “Leaf” documentary is perhaps the most unique of all extract-related videos because it does not deal with the same kind of cannabis extract medicine.  It was produced by Dr. William Courtney, who treated people with raw juiced cannabis.  The documentary tells the story of a lupus patient and a brain cancer patient who experienced recoveries by ingesting large quantities of juiced cannabis, as in one to two plants worth per day.  The advantages of juicing include retaining the active enzymes of the cannabis plant and the strong terpene antioxidants, as well as completely unaltered cannabinoids.  However, a benefit of oil is that the tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol become decarboxylated, allowing them to theoretically work more effectively.  Dr. William Courtney’s work shows that cannabis, processed into oil or not, can heal very effectively.  Another benefit is that juiced cannabis is non-psychoactive, which is the only main problem with oil (although that can be used in a non-psychoactive manner if dosages are controlled and tolerance is slowly built).

The last link I wish to address directly, although I will point out a few other great ones as well, is Dennis Hill’s video.  Dennis was my Aunt’s meditation teacher, and back in March 2010 was diagnosed with a particularly aggressive form of aggressive prostate cancer.  Having been in cancer research for 10 years and keenly aware of the risks and side effects of traditional therapies like chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery, Dennis sought out an alternative.  He happened to be talking to my Aunt about his predicament, and she recommended looking into cannabis extract medicine.  She gave him my email address and we started talking.  I showed him all the evidence at the time and connected him with someone who could supply oil, a great man named Christian.  Dennis ended up using a combination of cannabis extracts, first cannabutter and then Christian’s oil, and in six months was free of cancer.

Some of the other most stellar videos include the “MS, RA, mesothelioma” clip, which is actually three testimonials in one.  Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy and Cyclical Vomiting Syndrome are particularly emotional as well.  Every video there is very powerful and touching, though, as you will see if you watch all the testimonials.  Below are articles (as opposed to videos) about cannabis extract treatments: (multiple curative experiences elaborated) (very positive experience in progress)

The ABCLocal article refers to the Cash Hyde story, in which a father helped heal his 2-year old son of brain tumors with cannabis oil, delivered through his feeding tube.  Although the son also had radiation treatment, the treatment was only expected to stop the spread of tumors, and was also making Cash extremely sick.  With the cannabis oil, Cash did not need any other complimentary drugs and had his tumors completely eliminated, defying doctor’s predictions.

The “ChrisBeatCancer” site features an amazing story about a woman in South Africa who eliminated her colon cancer with the oil.  Her experience is very insightful and touching to read.

There are also several forums where people recount their experiences.  An oil producer and myself have collaborated on, where you can read many completed experiences and experiences in process. is another amazing site for experiences, and several posts have been copied from GreenPassion onto HempOilHope (with permission and noted, of course).  These are further sources for more experiences.

The most significant treatments with extract medicine come from Cannabis Science, a publicly-traded company based out of Colorado.  The Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Robert Melamede, has long been in support of Rick Simpson (the chief figure in Run From the Cure) and extract medicine.  When the opportunity came for him to take over Cannabis Science, originally managed by Steve Kubby (who himself has staged off terminal adrenal cancer with cannabis), he took it.  Under his leadership, the company has grown tremendously, and more importantly, has successfully treated skin cancer patients.  Right now, they have two 100% proven treatments with two more documented cases underway.  The photo-documented evidence is found here:

News Releases Accompanying The Successful Treatments:

                Over the past year, many capable individuals have joined Cannabis Science because they believe in its mission.  In February, Dr. Moe Afaneh joined as Chief Operating Officer, with experience as the youngest lead pharmacist in all of Florida and an extensively diverse educational background.  Just recently in June, Dr. Roscoe M. Moore, Jr. a retired US Assistant Surgeon General, joined their Scientific Advisory Board.  There is no doubt that in the next few months, Cannabis Science will continue to do great things.

The testimonials included here are deficient because I have not included any of the experiences from social media.  There are more people who have shared their experiences through these mediums than through extensive videos or articles, and talking with real patients is the best way for anyone to gain understanding of this medicine quickly.

History of the Movement

People have been using cannabis medicinally for thousands of years.  In recent history, cannabis was one of the most widely used medicines, being sold in extract form in pharmacies all across the country.  It was recommended for almost anything, and worked very well.  Once cannabis was criminalized, against the will of the American Medical Association, the medicine disappeared.  When cannabis use resurfaced strongly in the 1960s, medicinal extract use surely did as well, but no substantial knowledge is known about that point.  The modern extract movement can be considered to have started in 2003, when Rick Simpson eliminated skin cancer on his face with the oil and began treating others for free.

Below is a summary of Rick Simpson’s life and court trials.  The details come from a combination of my interview with Rick Simpson in 2008, material from Run From the Cure, and news articles from Cumberland News Now.  The material about the court trials is especially telling about Rick Simpson’s character and the risks he took to continue sharing this medicine.

                Rick Simpson was born in Springhill, Nova Scotia on November 30, 1949.  He went to work at the age of 16, and began a career in power engineering at 18.  Simpson continued with this line of work for the rest of his life, until in 1997 when he suffered a work related injury, and was diagnosed with post-concussion syndrome (Rick Simpson).  Simpson was prescribed a number of drugs to alleviate his condition, although none of them worked at all; in fact, they worsened his condition considerably (Rick Simpson).  In late 1998, Rick watched an episode of “The Nature of Things”, where he saw Dr. David Suzuki interviewing medical marijuana patients who had achieved astounding results.  This prompted him to try medical marijuana for himself, and he found that smoking cannabis did more for his condition than any of the pills he was taking.  Despite the effectiveness of his self-administered medication, no doctor would give Rick a legal prescription for cannabis.  They said it was “bad for the lungs”, so Rick asked his family doctor if it would be better to extract the essential oils from cannabis, as that would be a way to bypass smoking.  Despite Rick’s suggestion, the doctor still would not prescribe him cannabis.  Until 2001, Rick continued taking prescription medicines until his doctor told him they did not have anything else to try on him, and there was nothing more they could do.  It was then that Rick started using hemp oil as his only medication, and it improved his condition dramatically.  In late 2002, Rick was diagnosed with skin cancer, which was present on three parts of his body; two patches on the face and one on the chest.  In January 2003, Rick had one area of skin cancer removed surgically, and the other two parts were scheduled to be removed at a later date.  Shortly after the surgery, Rick remembered a radio show he had heard in 1975 about how THC killed cancer cells, and since Rick’s oil was concentrated THC, he decided to try it on himself.  He applied hemp oil to bandages and put them directly on to the skin cancers, and in four days, the cancers were gone.  Excited, Rick went back to his doctor’s office to inform them that he had cured himself with hemp oil, but the reaction was alarm (Rick Simpson).  The receptionist and doctor, David Forsthner, didn’t even want to hear more about a patient who had healed their own cancer.  The negative reaction did not hinder Rick in his pursuit.  He figured that if hemp oil worked topically, it might also work internally.  Subsequently, he tested it on willing participants and saw that it eliminated internal cancers as well, and it was not necessary that hemp oil only be applied to the skin (Rick Simpson).  Through further observation of hemp oil’s effects, Simpson has found that hemp oil eases pain better than morphine, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, regulates weight, controls diabetes, heals burns and wounds quickly with no scar tissue, and is effective at treating a myriad of conditions related to defective cells (Run From the Cure).
Rick Simpson’s activities have gotten attention from the media.  In October 2006, Global National News aired a story about Rick’s activities.  Two months later, another story aired on Global Maritimes Evening News (Run From the Cure).  Rick also gained publicity from his brush with the law.  On August 3, 2005 the RCMP raided Simpson’s home, arrested him, and took 1,190 cannabis plants ( - originally  However, this number is false, and the number actually seized was 1,620 (Rick Simpson).
This led to a trial in September 2007, when Simpson went to court for one count of possession of less than 30 grams of cannabis, possession of less than three kilograms of tetrahydrocannabinol for the purpose of trafficking, and unlawful production of cannabis.  He was found guilty, but Judge Felix Cacchione did not tell him to specifically stop distributing his medicine (Rick Simpson).  However, when discussing the possible sentence, Rick had this to say:
“It may be better to lock me up right now. As soon as I get home I’m going to treat my patients. I’m going to grow that plant until the day I die, so I might as well be put in jail today. I can’t stop in the middle of [treatment]. People’s lives are at stake here.” (
Simpson was scheduled to return to court for sentencing on November 30, 2007.  However, while awaiting sentencing, Simpson was arrested again for trafficking THC, and was remanded for four days until being released.  When Simpson was sentenced for his first charges, he only received one day in custody, which was deemed served by his court appearance, and a two thousand dollar fine.  Judge Cacchione explained his decision, saying, “Mr. Simpson has a sincere belief he has a cure with this oil and should be commended, but in reality, he broke the law.”  The only reason he did not discharge Simpson was because he thought it would send the wrong message, in that if you do not like a law, you can freely break it without any penalty (  In early 2008, Rick went to court again for one count of trafficking THC, and was sentenced to eight days in custody by Judge Carole Beaton, which like in the first case, was deemed served by his remand time.  Due to the fact there was no profit involved in Simpson’s activities, he had endured two separate drug charges and got off a free man on the same day of his sentencing (  It must be acknowledged that Simpson never sold any hemp oil; he provided it all at his expense, as further exemplified by his court trials (he would not have gotten off if he was selling the oil).  He also refused to stop providing hemp oil to patients even after his first arrest.  If Simpson’s results were not legitimate, why would he have spent so much money giving away hemp oil, and continued to do so even in the face of harsh penalties

That is a fairly complete history of Rick Simpson, absent the most recent details regarding his travels in Europe and South America.  He is currently working on this issue remotely, by giving seminars and educating others.  However, he no longer produces or distributes oil.

                Other leaders in the movement have already been discussed, including Dr. Robert Melamede and Shona Banda.  There are also countless distributors who help people in their communities and lead on a local level.  Over the past four years, I’ve seen so many wonderful people come into this movement, getting in because of their own healing experience or someone they love.  It is a great tragedy that all of these people have had to live in fear for simply trying to save their own lives, but nonetheless, many have had the courage to share their stories and help move this cause forward.

As you can see, this is an issue that needs attention.  The science, experiences, and potential is all there, and change must come now.  It is impossible to look at all this and believe that cannabis extract medicine does not have real potential.  Is it just a coincidence that hundreds of scientific studies and multitudes of research show cannabis is effective against nearly any disease, and people are using concentrated cannabinoids in high quantities and having extremely effective results?  The vast majority of patients are able to get off of all or nearly all pharmaceutical medications, including patients who have ceased using hundreds of milligrams of oxycodone/hydrocodone using only oil.  This works time after time, and to ignore that simply because it has been regular people achieving the success and not mainstream scientists is absolutely terrible.  Imagine how frustrating it is to have success curing yourself of a disease, and then be told you’re stupid, it was spontaneous remission, this couldn’t work (which many doctors say upon hearing such news).  It’s time to end the madness, and give this issue the rigorous examination it deserves.

                    Of course, there have been several failures and incomplete treatments with this medicine, although there have been far more successes.  There have been terminal patients who started the oil and recovered partially, but still died.  There also seem to be some types of cancer that are particularly resistant to the medicine, such as breast cancer.  It is not surprising there have been failures, considering all of this is done outside controlled medical environments and by regular people treating themselves.  What’s truly amazing is the successes have outweighed the non-successes so heavily, given the non-clinical environments in which people treat themselves.  Once this is legal, and research is done into better production techniques, better strains of cannabis, and better routes of administration, the successes will climb even higher.

    I must reiterate that all this movement wants is a thorough examination of our claims.  While we all know this can effectively treat cancer and other diseases, we don’t expect the world to believe that fully, but we DEMAND the full scrutiny of science immediately.  That means a controlled administration of cannabinoids to terminally ill patients or testing it on skin cancers to prove once and for all this works.  Every day we delay, millions of people are suffering in living hells, and we cannot treat this issue like we have all the time in the world to deliberate on it.  Of course, even if nothing is done by established organizations, I believe the mass self-treatments of individuals in legal medical cannabis states will get the truth out somehow.

I hope you make the right choice and decide to share this.  I can connect you to people who have had documented success with this medicine, as well as executives of Cannabis Science if you are interested.  Many of them are fully willing to be interviewed.

CNN, you are the first entity I have approached with this detailed information.  I hope you follow this to the end, as it was your network on which Tommy Chong first announced his news.  In my humble opinion, you are the best source of news in the country, and it would be fitting for you to finish this.

I .Excerpt of Scientific Studies

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
Alzheimer’s Disease
Cancer – Breast
Cervical Cancer
Colorectal Cancer
Glioma Cancer
Lung Cancer
Pancreatic Cancer
Prostate Cancer
Cancer – Undifferentiated

1 comment:

  1. Bravo, sir. A most comprehensive appeal.
    I have shared it and will keep it for future reference. Priceless collection of links!
    Thank you.
